Endoscopic Surgery

Hysteroscopy involves passing a telescope into the uterine cavity through the vagina and the cervix. It is mainly used to inspect the condition of the uterus from within. It can also be used to perform surgical procedures such as the removal of fibroids, polyps, or adhesions or to correct congenital abnormalities in the uterus.

The exact procedure used depends on the type of endoscopy and choice of anesthesia. You may have sedation or a general anesthetic. The endoscope is inserted through a natural opening. The doctor may simply make a diagnosis. They may also take a sample of tissue (biopsy) for later analysis in a laboratory. Alternatively, your doctor could perform minor surgery at the same time. For example, they may place a stent across an obstructing tumor or remove a stone from a bile duct. Once the endoscopy is complete, the endoscope is removed.

Laparoscopy :
Laparoscopy involves an inspection of the pelvic organs by a telescope passed through a tiny incision (cut) at the navel. One or more incisions are used to introduce instruments into the body. It is used to assess the condition of the female pelvis and to diagnose the presence or absence of adhesions, condition of the tubes, endometriosis, or other pelvic abnormalities. Surgery can be performed through the laparoscope to treat any of these conditions. The advantage of this type of surgery is that it is less traumatic than open surgery and does not leave a large abdominal scar.


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