Embryo Freezing

Following embryo transfer, any surplus embryos can be frozen. We would recommend freezing if two or more embryos of good quality are available. The advantage of freezing embryos is that they can be replaced in future cycles without having to undergo the IVF procedure again. The results following the transfer of frozen-thawed embryos depend on the number and quality of embryos available as well as the age of the woman. Nevertheless, fresh embryo replacement has a higher success rate. Frozen embryo transfer has been practiced since 1983, and there appears to be no increased incidence of fetal abnormalities in babies born following this procedure.

Freezing embryos is an important responsibility for the couple, as they must decide whether or not they are planning to use the embryos in the future. They are responsible for keeping in touch with the unit and notifying us of any change of address. About 70% of all frozen embryos survive the thawing process. Although some couples may have all of their embryos survive in good condition, others may not have any that survive. The replacement of frozen embryos is relatively simple. They can be replaced after providing the oval drug, followed by progesterone. Alternatively, the woman’s natural cycle is monitored to time ovulation using an ultrasound scan and ovulation predictor kits. Following ovulation, the embryos are thawed and transferred back to the uterus.

  • What is Embryo freezing?

    One IVF cycle may produce many embryos, and after embryo transfer, a few more good-quality embryos may be available. These can be stored for future use by freezing them.
    The embryos are stored in the IVF laboratory at -1960 °C in liquid nitrogen.

  • How long can the embryos be frozen and preserved?

    Once the embryo freezing is done, the embryos can be stored for many years.

  • How are the frozen embryos used?

    The frozen embryos are thawed and brought back to 370 °C in the IVF lab.
    This is done a few hours before the embryo transfer.
    This is called thawing.

  • Do all the embryos survive freezing and thawing?

    A large number (>90%) of embryos survive freezing and thawing.
    Few may disintegrate in this process.

  • What is the chance of success rate of frozen embryo transfer?

    The success percentage of frozen embryo transfer is almost 70%.

  • Are any medications used during frozen embryo transfer?

    Uterus is prepared for frozen embryo transfer by giving oral medications and monitoring by ultrasonography and blood tests. Some injectable medicines may also be required.

  • When will be my frozen embryo transfer?

    The day of frozen embryo transfer is decided upon the findings during ultrasonography and blood tests in response to the medications given.

  • Is there any risk of any foetal abnormality or pregnancy complications during a frozen embryo transfer?

    As in a natural conception there is risk of foetal abnormality, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy and miscarriage in frozen embryo cycle pregnancy.

  • If I conceive can the embryos be stored for my future use for a second child?

    The embryos can be stored for few years for which you need to inform the clinic.
    You need to sign the consent form for the same.
    A yearly storage fee would be charged after 1st year of storage of the embryos.

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